Posts Tagged 'Film'

HILAR UNA FRASE / Stringing words together
Hilar una frase / Stringing words together (2016, HD, 33 min, Spanish with subtitles) incorporates excerpts of interviews with Pedro Abreu Tejera, Daniela Carrasco, Katty Moreno Bravo and Mauricio Pereyra, who share their experiences with the so-called German “integration” language

Une crèche en Chine / An orphanage in China, 2014
Un crèche en Chine / An orphanage in China (2014, HD, 30 min) A film about the daily presence of colonialism in our bodies, education, and the ways histories are written. To watch the trailer, click here. The point of

Embrace / Abrazo, 2001
Embrace / Abrazo, video essay, miniDV, 10 min, 2001 To watch the video, click here I incorporate the Khipu (ancient Andean mnemonic devices made of colored, knotted strings) as the central metaphor of this video, in order to talk about