Flores que explotan / Bursting flowers (2023)
The video Flores que explotan (Bursting flowers, 47 min, Spanish with German subtitles) features interviews in Iximulew/Guatemala about the roots of the colonial economy and its continuities. The participants are: Maya Kaqchikel communities resisting against the cement factory “Progreso”, lawyer

Blooming in the moment, 2022
Textile collage and embroidery, collaboration with Gabriel Rossell Santillán, 2022 (130 x 340 cm) Views of the installation at the 15th Fellbach Triennial for Small Sculpture, 2022 (Fotos ©Peter D. Hartung)

No more poems for Columbus, 2021
Textile piece (embroidery, 79 x 59 cm). Installation view at the exhibition Picking out images from my soul’s eye. Understanding Gloria E. Anzaldúa through Artistic Practices at District, Berlin No more poems for Columbus encompasses also an ongoing audiovisual project. Visit

HILAR UNA FRASE / Stringing words together
Hilar una frase / Stringing words together (2016, HD, 33 min, Spanish with subtitles) incorporates excerpts of interviews with Pedro Abreu Tejera, Daniela Carrasco, Katty Moreno Bravo and Mauricio Pereyra, who share their experiences with the so-called German “integration” language

solo show at FRISE, 2014
Installation views of solo show at FRISE (artist-run center in Hamburg), 2014 Projection of essayistic film An orphanage in China, and in an adjacent room: hammock installation with two of the books that the film makes reference to Untitled, 2014

Une crèche en Chine / An orphanage in China, 2014
Un crèche en Chine / An orphanage in China (2014, HD, 30 min) A film about the daily presence of colonialism in our bodies, education, and the ways histories are written. To watch the trailer, click here. The point of

Embrace / Abrazo, 2001
Embrace / Abrazo, video essay, miniDV, 10 min, 2001 To watch the video, click here I incorporate the Khipu (ancient Andean mnemonic devices made of colored, knotted strings) as the central metaphor of this video, in order to talk about

Inscribed (b&w photograph), 2000
Inscribed / Inscribed II, black and white photograph, 73 x 56 cm, 2000/2021 A piece about the traces that personal history leaves on the body.

Cloak / Manto de camuflaje, 2003-6
Cloak / Manto de camuflaje, miniDV, 15 min Installation views at Fabrikken for Kunst og Design (Copenhagen, 2006) and Espace Forde (Geneva, 2003), as well as video stills (parade images shot by Donatella Bernardi) This video essay’s point of departure